
Here at DisarmingTexasAbusers.org we want to help you take control of your safety.

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On our site, you will find a brief introduction to domestic violence and gun violence, including some relevant statistics. You’ll also find an explanation of both the Federal and Texas State Laws that may prevent your abuser from owning a gun, strategies you can use to make a Plan of Action to get your abuser’s gun removed by a law enforcement official, and general Safety Tips that are important to keep in mind. Under the Resources tab, we have provided a list of some of the many resources available both nationally and around Texas, including some county-specific contact information for domestic violence hotlines, women’s shelters, mental health resources, and much more.

Most Texas counties do not have formal policies or protocols regarding the removal of guns from domestic abusers, which can present challenges to enforcement of the law. In light of this inconsistency, we created this site as a resource to provide information to all Texas survivors about their safety and rights.

When searching the web from your computer or device, it is important to consider internet usage safety. If you are afraid your computer usage is being monitored, please note we have included an Escape button you can click to leave this page quickly and evade detection. If you need to clear your search history to ensure there is no evidence you visited this page or other websites, you can learn to do so here. Additionally, consider using a private browser, which allows you to search the web without creating any computer history. To learn how to browse privately, click here. However, if you feel that your computer use is being monitored—please use a safer computer (such as one at your public library) --or contact a National or Local hotline.

Special Thanks

This website is the culmination of the efforts of multiple individuals and organizations. We extend our sincere appreciation to the following, without whom this website would not have been possible:

Dallas County Citywide Domestic Violence Task Force; Texas Council on Family Violence; Dallas County District Attorney’s Office; Dallas Police Department, Domestic Violence Unit; The Family Place; Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support; Moms Demand Action; SPCA of Texas; ColorDynamics; Lizzie Ellison.